星田インターナショナルスクールでは、西洋と日本のイベント行事は全て英語で行い独自の方法でお祝いします。 各イベントでは、その祝日に関連する独自のクラフトや活動があります。 楽しむ為に笑顔をお忘れなく! 保護者の方は、これらの特別な日に子供たちの様子を見て楽しんでください。
At Hoshida International we celebrate western- and Japanese events with a spin- they are all in English. Each event has a unique craft and activities associated with that holiday. Bring your colored pencils and a smile! Parents are encouraged to come and enjoy watching their kids on these special days.
April Easter イースター
May Mother's Day 母の日
June Father's Day 父の日
July Tanabata 七夕
August Summer Festival 夏祭り
September Grandparents Day 敬老の日
October Halloween ハロウィン
November Culture Day 文化の日
December Christmas クリスマス
January New Year's Day お正月
February Valentine's Day バレンタイン
March Vernal Equinox Day 春分の日
A firetruck and firefighters came to our school. We had a fire drill and got to see the inside of a real firetruck! The children dressed up as firefighters and got to hold the hose. They were so happy learning about firetrucks!

Santa came to visit the children! All of them had been nice, so all of them got presents. Before Santa came, the children and parents made beautiful ornaments together, ate some tasty snacks, and drank some yummy juice. What a great day it was!

The scariest month of the year ended with a fun trick-or-treating event. Ghosts, superheroes, princesses and pirates were all at the party. Parents and children all hauled in as much candy as they could and went home with round bellies. What a great day it was!

遠足でKids US landに行ったことは、子どもたちにとって、最高に楽しい夏のイベントとなりました。公共の交通機関を使って現地まで向かい、最初にスーパーマーケットで自分たちで、好きなものをお昼ご飯に選んで買いました。その後、たっぷり遊んで園に戻ってくると、皆、石のように動かずぐっすり眠っていました。
Going to Kids US land was a super fun event for the kids this summer. Some children traveled by public transportation for the first time. Before playtime, they went to the supermarket to buy their favorite lunch. After that, they could play all morning. When they got back to the school, they all slept like rocks.

Do you like sweet potatoes? We at Hoshida International sure do! The children had a nice opportunity to reap their first harvest. Some of them cooked the potatoes that same night and had them for supper.